Monday, March 16, 2009

Crazy Neighbor Mom

I recently moved to Arlington, and people are terrible drivers here. They're caught in between a city and country mentality. It's very strange, and the pedestrians walking across the street without looking, yes, you entitlement generation, are not helping either. I hate cars as much as the next bike riding hippie, and I try to drive as little as possible. However, I'm kinda worried for my safety.


  1. Wow, she's gonna be a handful. Talk about too much time on one's hands. There are few things lower than citing "my kids" in defense of despicable behavior...

  2. Agree to agree. I only wish she could see herself through the lens of rationality.

  3. Nice. Reminded me a bit of my bumper parking on I-290:

  4. This comment has been removed by the author.
